
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Men Love Abuse:The Guide to Losing the Nice Girl Image & Getting the Man You Want by Tionna (Tee) Smalls. Read in 36 days. 149 pages

Before we even start with the introduction of this book, let me clarify on the author’s behalf that the title of this book refers to “men who love women who don’t play with their a--es, ignore them, and/or dog them out a.k.a treat them like sh--.” Tionna stated in her book that “many people misuse the word abuse and don’t realize that abuse means mistreatment of people, places or things” but for the purposes of this book, she is blatantly discussing the mental part of abuse when it comes to abusing guys. This book is the first release of a Tionna’s collection of small series titled “Pocketbook” Series that will be written about love and life. Due to the clarification, this post is longer than usual but it is worth it.

Now on to the introduction of Men Love Abuse! Ladies, let me tell you this book will definitely help you get on your P’s and Q’s of putting your man in check. The beginning of the book started with an intro on how Tionna became interested in this topic, and then she jumps right into the first chapter on avoiding the “Nice Girl” Image to get your man and basically make a man earn you. She wants girls to across the US to know that NICE GIRLS use to finish first but now days, girls who abuse their men win! Tionna goes on to give several scenarios of how a woman can learn how to abuse their men from the first time they meet, until the day she feels she has finally “wifed” him up. In this book, Tee will walk you through the obstacles of learning how to reject your man’s phone calls, how to act when you are going on the first date with your man especially when they start front ’n like they are not hungry, and how to turn off your emotions and walk away from your dude when it is time. She even goes deep with telling it like it is for women who let their dude’s good looks cloud their judgment, when and how they should be acting when their phone rings while they with their dude vs. his phone ringing, how they should not spend too much time with their men showing them they have no life, and being “Miss I have all the answers” trying to help him and his friends with all their problems acting like they don’t have anything better to do. Tionna advises women to not be available as much but rather stay busy even when you are not that busy because it will prove to your dude that he has to work harder at getting your attention and guys get sprung on girls who show that dudes come a dime a dozen. In fact, she suggests that women take notes from a Hoe’s page on this one!

Tionna basically want women to know that if you want to win your dude, you need to abuse him, not let him think you are always there where he can reel you in and dump you back into the sea when he is ready. Tionna discussed how looking back on your past or living too much will make it hard for you to keep it moving to bigger and better things in life, she states that women cannot use yesterday’s feelings to determine their actions for the future; and women should avoid giving up everything over a snicker bar and a dream, which may be the only thing their dude is shelling out these days. Tionna encourage women to join her “Save the Suck” Campaign as it will help women to stop giving away the suck to their jump-offs like the government gives out food stamps on the first of the month.

Throughout the book, Tionna brought on the fire with her terminology and her blunt statements in reference to learning how to abuse your man. For example, “slores” is defined in this book as “A despicable mix of a slut and whore”; and “mad money” is defined as having emergency money in case you’re a-- gets mad and has to leave the date.” A few favorites were “mindf--ker men” (men who like to f--k you over mentally); and “soul ties” (basically being a victim of getting into a relationship with every guy you have sex with).

She brought on even hotter statements like “sometimes you have to treat these guys the way you treat your toy Yorkies, reward them when they do good and spank that a-- when they do bad”; and “Be a b-t-h and get hitched, that is the only way to live your life.”

This eBook was definitely worth reading over any I pad, tablet, phone or computer you own.

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