
Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Golden Hustla by Wahida Clark / 308 pages. Read in 15 days

Nina is one sister with a lot of luck. In this book, she dodges several bullets. She does everything that she can to live a normal life without letting her past haunt her. The Golden Hustla begins its story with Nina seeing her best friend and brother get shot by the guys that were after her for a previous robbery. Nina, another friend and her brother robbed a family member of a very dangerous group of men. So, to see her friend who wasn’t even involved in the situation get killed right in front of her and because of her was devastating. She knew that she did not get out the car that day for a reason and that cost her two other lives. After seeing the work of these guys, Nina knew she had to get out of town quick, but not before killing her brother’s girlfriend who was the reason why the killers knew where Nina was at the time her best friend and brother was shot. Nina leaves two of her children with her mother, who is giving the Pastor at the church all of Nina’s money, while he is molesting Nina’s daughter. Nina’s jail bait baby daddy kidnaps her youngest daughter, hoping it will get Nina to come back to him. For Nina, it wasn’t a chance! So after confiding in her new friend Reese about everything, he helped her relocate to Georgia. Reese was not only Nina’s friend and lover, he also became her world. For months to follow Reese unselfishly took care of Nina, he traveled back and forth from home just to be with her. He was all that Nina dreamed of until the day he arrived in town to tell her that he had a wife and family back home. Nina was crushed but she did find comfort for the time being with her ex Akil from back home. Nina was surprised to run into Akil at the local Starbucks in Georgia. Akil on a mission convinces Nina to get a job at “We Make Millionaires (WMM)” so he could get inside the company and make a come up for himself. Akil who is a snitch for the cops, is definitely one grimey person looking to make Nina suffer for stealing his stash back home and leaving. Nina unaware of it all, gets the job at WMM where she is trained to con rich retired folks out of thousands of dollars, most of the time totaling up to a couple mil a week. Eventually WMM goes down but Nina makes it out without jail time, thanks to her new boy toy Rick, the undercover cop she originally thought was a street thug. Rick became Nina’s everything, he helped Nina get all three of her children back and together they ended up in Barbados.

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